Nuclear power is an industrial facility employed for the generation of electricity from nuclear power. A clear example is the nuclear Fukushima, Fukushima Daiichi's.
On 11 March 2011, there was an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 on the northeast coast of Japan. That day the reactors 1,2 and 3 were operating, while units 4, 5 and 6 were not used due to inspection peròdica. When the earthquake was detected, units 1, 2 and 3 were shut down automatically. When the reactors shut down, they stopped producing electricity.
Typically, the reactors can use electricity from an external electrical current to the cooling plant, and the camera control, but the network was rendered useless by the earthquake. The diesel engines of emergency for the power generation began to run, but they stopped abruptly at 15:31 with the arrival of the tsunami that followed the earthquake.
Finally I believe that these nuclear plants are very service to humanity, but these centrals bring many problems to the environment because the waste that allow these plants are highly radioactive and can leave an unused area for millions of years. But this is not only problematical thing, the centrals nuclears also pollute the air.
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