

Tarot is a deck of cards with which you can play and also allows you to guess the future. Tarot cards are full of symbols of all kinds. The Tarot consists of 78 cards divided into: the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The reading of Tarot can be done with the Major Arcana alone or both together.

The Major Arcana are 22 cards, which is represented the universe since its creation and the earthly world to the spiritual world. Tarot cards are full of symbols of all kinds. Apart from the meaning that each figure represented in each card, there are another type of symbols that involved: numerology, the meaning of colors, reading of the gestures and positions of the figures and the elements.
The Major Arcana as a whole, represent the universe and are divided into three groups: the letters of knowledge, action and emotion. Put another way, represent the three levels: material, spiritual and mental. Each card has its meaning, but it is always conditioned by the surrounding cards to draw a conclusion. All cards can be both positive and negative, it depends on its position in the roll.

The Minor Arcana are 56, wins or cards, such as a Spanish deck: As to the X, Jack or Jack, Queen and King.


Spectacular is a musical. It's about a boy named Nikko Alexander and a girl named Courtney Lane. This boy belong to a band, but it was kicked out for being too selfish. Lane is the captain of a musical group called Spectacular and this group apparently was left without a singer and he went to the rival group Ta-Da, for this reason Lane is in search of a new singer and she is found with Nikko. She tells him that he should enter their group and after much insistence he agrees with go to her acting. Once there, he says that will not act with her. He offers money to him, but even so he does not agree.

When Nikko was to record a demo to start his singing degree, it was told to him that he needed 5,000 € for the demo (precisely the amount that offered Lane, then he decides to go to sing in the group of Lane. He goes to see her, but she says that the treatment is over. He did not give up and he sings to her a beautiful song.

After this, she accepts, but in trial mode. Her group was a choir show, which is a group of people who combine music, acting and choreography. In her group, Lane uses a very rigid steps and Nikko can not able to wean to them.

Nikko will do everything possible to make the dance funniest, more flexible, so it can win the national championship of jazz.

At the end of the film, Nikko has an audition that it will be on the stage of competition of jazz with everyone else, it hurts that they did not win because they have been disqualified, but the sponsor who came to see Nikko contracts everyone. The film ends with a spectacular kiss of Nikko and Courtney.

Numerology and my type


To find out the secret of your name, we must use the name that you use on a daily basis, it can be your name or a nickname, and the first name, so we have a numerical value that defines the personality traits of that person.

It writes the name and last name and each letter is assigned a number, then it proceds to add and reduce the total to obtain a single figure. For example, my name would Meriem Abjil

M + E + R + I + E + M + A + B + J + I + L

4 + 5 + 9 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 3 = 52

5 + 2 = 7

My number is 7.

The correspondence of letters to a numbers are:

Correspondence of númbers and letters

Positive characteristics:

The numbers seven are those who have the knack for research, keen observation and keen analysis, they have a quick thinking to analyze situations, they are demanding perfection to the maximum performance. Their strength is reflected in their ability to capture knowledge, representing the researchers, students or scientists who do not accept anything as valid until they have shredded the whole subject and reached their own conclusions.

Their soul is peaceful and loving, they have a highly intuitive that immediately recognized the people who are not sincere, they do not have many friends, but those who have are for life. They are unsociable, their reservation is interpreted as a rift, but they, actually, hides a sense of insecurity. They need time to be comfortable with their own thoughts and their fondest dreams.

Seven is a spiritual number. Connected with the mystical, they cling to intuition and in their experience as a spiritual guide, they does not like the advice, they trust more in their inner voice. In short, he saves their thoughts and opinions, but if they find a valid entity,  they will take out their knowledge and they speak with authority.

Negative characteristics:

In their negative side, they can be pessimistic, selfish and spoiled. They are solitary, they prefer to spend time with a book that with uninteresting people.

Sant Jordi of 1st Bat

This year in St. George, Lluisa did not do any workshop can therefore I will explain the St. George of last year. Last year we chose to do a cooking workshop. We decided that we would do was eating us and who we bring all the utensils and ingredients. The day before St. George we organize utensils and ingredients to know what would bring everyone.
That day we went all the members of cooking workshop in the laboratory. We had been made​​: two arms of gypsy, two cakes, pancakes, muffins and pizza.

We were divided in groups and we got to work. The groups were: I, Aura and Natalia Salles were doing the two rolls, my sister, Antonela and Livia made ​​pizza, Livia also made muffins and the others helped to do other things. In the end, Maryana, Aura and I also doing the two cakes and I finished helping to raise crepes.

Finally when we were finished, it passed to see us the teachers and they ate a little bit. Successively, they came the members of others workshops, they ate everything that we had prepared and they went away. I, before I hid two cakes in the drawer for us. Who will  believe they are to come eating it and even though they go? The girls of cooking workshop was angry with others.

My love – Westlife

An empty street / Un carrer buit
An empty house / Una casa buida 
A hole inside my heart / Un forat dins del meu cor
I’m all alone and the rooms are getting smaller / Estic sol i les habitacions són cada vegada més petites
I wonder how, I wonder why / Em pregunto com, em pregunto perquè
I wonder where they are / Em pregunto on són
The days we had / Els dies que vam tenir
The songs we sang together / Les cançons que vam cantar junts
And oh my love / I, oh, el meu amor
I’m holding on forever / Em guardaré per sempre
Reaching for a love that seems so far / Arribar a un amor que sembla tan llunyà

So I say a little prayer / Així que jo li dic una petita oració
And hope my dreams will take me there / I espero que els meus somnis em portin allà
Where the skies are blue / Quan el cel és blau
To see you once again, my love / Per veure't un cop més, el meu amor
Overseas from coast to coast / A l'estranger de costa a costa
To find the place I love the most / Per trobar el lloc que més m'agrada
Where the fields are green / Quan els camps són verds
To see you once again, my love / Per veure't un cop més, el meu amor

I try to read / Jo intento llegir
I go to work / Vaig a treballar
I’m laughing with my friends / Ric amb els meus amics
But I can’t stop to keep myself from thinking / Però no puc deixar de pensar sobre mí mateix

I wonder how, I wonder why / Em pregunto com, em pregunto perquè
I wonder where they are / Em pregunto on són
The days we had / Els dies que vam tenir
The songs we sang together / Les cançons que vam cantar junts
And oh my love / I, oh, el meu amor
I’m holding on forever / Em guardaré per sempre
Reaching for a love that seems so far / Arribar a un amor que sembla tan llunyà
So I say a little prayer / Així que jo li dic una petita oració
And hope my dreams will take me there / I espero que els meus somnis em portin allà
Where the skies are blue / Quan el cel és blau
To see you once again, my love / Per veure't un cop més, el meu amor
Overseas from coast to coast / A l'estranger de costa a costa
To find the place I love the most / Per trobar el lloc que més m'agrada
Where the fields are green / Quan els camps són verds
To see you once again, my love / Per veure't un cop més, el meu amor
To hold you in my arms / Per tenir-te en els meus braços To promise you my love / Per prometre el meu amor To tell you from the heart / S et dic des del cor You’re all I’m thinking of / Ets tot el que estic pensant en I’m reaching for a love that seems so far / Estic arribant a un amor que sembla tan llunyà
So I say a little prayer / Així que jo li dic una petita oració
And hope my dreams will take me there / I espero que els meus somnis em portin allà
Where the skies are blue / Quan el cel és blau
To see you once again, my love / Per veure't un cop més, el meu amor
Overseas from coast to coast / A l'estranger de costa a costa
To find the place I love the most / Per trobar el lloc que més m'agrada
Where the fields are green / Quan els camps són verds
To see you once again, my love / Per veure't un cop més, el meu amor




As for the oral presentation I chose this because it's that the people told me that I do it better. I do not know what say is my best presentation. I can say that my work structures and vocabulary of my presentation is better than others, but in general I think that I have didn't do any good presentations because I get very nervous and my mind is left white.
My best written I think that it's that because I think that I write this written very well. In this written I use very good structures and a good vocabulary. Another think that I prompted to decide put that as my best written is that I love this written.