Salon of manga

We had trouble going to the salon of manga.

We did not know which train to have taken, but finally decided to take the Barcelonasants. Once we got there, we did not know where we go and we had to take subway, so we followed a guy dressed as Final Fantasy X. We bought tickets and went to subway to see what we had to go. We suppose that was the dark blue line so we called off as the instructions. Once down we saw that people did not have the same tickets as, but we tryied. My ticket and the ticket of Paula are agreed and we went on, but the ticket of my sister and Fani did not go, then we realized we had to get another ticket to go. We buy another tickets.

Once inside, we walked and walked and reached a point where we said if we go to Hospitelet Beillera put left and if we go to background put right. So we did not know where to go and we decided to go the right. Once down we saw that the people who were dressed was the other side of the meter, so we back up to go the other way. Once in there, people had already been dressed went with meter.

Paula and I said we had to go on that train because there were people dressed up in there, but my sister and Fani saidit was the other side. We decided to wait until the train arrived If that train had people freak that was disguised, we go with this meter, but if the meter hadn't people disguised, we go with another meter.

The train full people dressed freak, so we get on that meter. So we decided to stop at the stop where all the freaks down.

Once we went down, we did not know where to go. So we follow the people who are disguise. finally, when we arrived, we bought tickets and we entered.

Inside was full of stalls. We decided see everyting and after then buy. I was determined to buy a poster of Jae Joong of DBSK.

We decided to walk and we were finding very interesting things:

We found a man who said that giving hugs.

Then we found a stop with boxes of photos from One Piece and a mural with a picture of One Piece.

Just next to this stop it was a super giant puppet of Chopper from One Piece.

We found a poster wich it said: "I love being a freak and I do not care what they said". We agree with that poster

We saw a stop full of Japanese singers and I went running there. I was looking if there was a poster of DBSK, but there were none, only there was a paper of JYJ (a group that was formed after DBSK are separated). I took that paper and a girl who was there, given to me a poster of JYJ. Then I was very happy!

We saw a paper that was taped to a wall when it came out a photo of Detective Conan and we were curious to see what it was. In that plays a role that put the Detective Conan movie in the auditorium of the University of Barcelona on the faculty of Industrial Engineering. We were gasping.

We found a section dedicated to Dragon Ball where there were people dressed up in Vegeta and Piccolo. Fani and I took a picture with them. I also bought a poster of Dragon Ball Z.

Then we went to lunch. We did not know where to go to lunch and I wanted to try the ramen, so we bought ramen. We bought ramen to restauran Ikkuku of Naruto. The problem came when we wanted to eat. My sister and I had never eaten with sticks. Paula explain to my sister and me how to do for eaten with sticks. I learnt quickly, but my sister does not it.

We rested a bit and we went up the top floor. There was, basically, a conference and exhibition about specific things.

We entered the lounge of the samurai. There were different types of kimonos and the weapons that samurais had.

We went to another salon. The show was on the X-Box.

At 15:30 we polished everything, so we decided to take something out.
We find a restaurant and we asked three Coca-Colas and one Fanta.

At 18:00 we took the train. In the train, one listen to music, another ate his sandwich and listening to music, another eating chocolate and another one took photos.

Once we arrived, the mother of Paula took us to our home.

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