I knew many people, but few of these I think that they are many friends and these few are my best friends. Clearly there are some who everybody know because they are with me in class.
Now, I explain a bit my best friends a what I like and dislike each of them, the moments we spent together...

Africa Santeliz

The Africa and I knew from the primary. Africa went to my sister's class. A primary we talked a lot but we stop talking when we went ESO. In the 4th of ESO, Africa was in my class and we became friends again.
Africa love anime and manga like me. She know a lot draw manga.
Africa is a confidence person. She is a person that if you trust a secret she never to tell anyone except me because I am the only person so compelling for her to get me to say. She says sometimes than she fear me.
Her cheerful personality is very pessimistic, fun and educated.

Aura Julieth Bohórquez

Aura is my first friend that I had. We know from the first ESO, but we became best friends until the second ESO.
Basically we started talking because she loved the anime, the manga and doramas like me. She at first only saw it on television, but when she knew me she start looking at on the computer. Since then she become to see doramas and anime on your computer.
Sometimes I was angry because they told me a piece of the plot of the story and then told me that I watch it in my home.
Aura is the person to whom she confessed all my secrets because it is a person who understands me.
Aura has very strange personality. She is fun, crazy, gloomy, happy and friendly.

Maryana Kavatsyuk

The Maryana and I knew one year ago. We have only been a year, but she is a very good friend of mine. Sometimes we are angry because our opinions are collisions.
I think now (it better to just me) that we are good friends more than last year.
Last year as they were together, our opinions are collisions very often. But this year we are together in class and we are having a great time.
I don't know what we are more best now than one year ago. It can because I have changed or because she has changed or maybe none of this, but now, we get better.
If I talk about the personality of Maryana, I could say that she is crazy. Maryana is a cheerful person, somewhat pessimistic, friendly, shy with another people, but she opened with her friends, and fun.

Paula De Scheemaeker

Paula and I have know since the 4th of ESO, but I was not really friends until last year.
I believe that Paula is a very good friend and I had a great time with her.
I like that she explains to me her problems because I see that she really considered hers friend.
I awlays try to give her, what could be done.
One the personality is particularly remarkable that Paula is crazy, but also she is a person cheerful and fun, as she likes to have fun, relevant, nice, hardworking, realistic and has a very peculiar taste.
One thing I never imagine is that she likes anime and manga. She loves NANA and Hiei of Yu Yu Hakusho.
One day when she saw a chapter of Nana, she tinks to me.
I put the photo of phater when she thinks that she and I resemble to the two Nanas. She is the Nana Osaki and I am the Nana Komatsu.

So I do a drawing where she saw the two Nanas.

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