Hello! My name is Meriem Abjil and now I tell you abot my research project. My research project treats of the creation of a web page of astronomy.
The introduction
I chose this topic because I love astronomy and computing. I like astronomy because once I went to Tolouse, France at a place called "la Cité de l'Espace" that in English is "the City of Space" where it explained every astronomy and I fascinated.
The objectives of my research project were two:
- The firs objective was to learn more about astronomy and its branches.
- The second objective was to create a web page to expose the contents of astronomy and its brancehs.
To achieve my objectives I have used the Oxford Encyclopedia and the program Nvu. The program Nvu I have only used at first because after I have utilized the language hypertext HTML for modifications.
I chose the material with a criterion that it is base on three points:
First, the infromation should be understandable.
Secondly, the information ought to a particular level
Finally, it had to be a reliable place.
The structure of my research project can say that it is separated in two parts:
- First is the research part whereI expose the contents of astronomy and its branches.
- Secondly is practically part that it was the web page.
Stil it has not been separated because the web page contains all contents of astronomy and its branches that present in the research part and also content other infromation.
The astronomy
The astronomy is very extensive so I decided to separated it into six branches and explain them one by one. Tese branches are: astrophysics, astronautics, the astrometry, cosmology, the observatory and the solor system. Now, I do a brief explanation of each branch.
The astophysics is the study of the physical nature of stars.
The astronautics is the science and the techonology og manned space flight.
The astrometry is the branch that studies the position of star an another star bodies of the celestial sphere.
The cosmolgy is the study o the structure and evolution of the universe considered as a complete entite.
The observatory is any place from which astronomical measurements are made.
The solar system is a tiny fragment of the Milky Way that it is also a small part of the Universe that it is form for a lot of stars.
Then, in every branch, I have done some subsections to divided the explanation of different elements of each branch.
The web page
In this section I talk about the website I creatied.
First I want to show you the website.
This is my website. The website formatted for a title and the content classification. This content is classificate into seven sections of which one are astronomy and oher six sections correspond to the six branches of astronomy that I have named above.
Now, I show you some sections of the page to show how it is. Almost in every subsection and section, I insert one picture.
Some of these images I have inserted hyperlinks to lead people to visit the sections which pertain to respective pictures.
As you can see here, the ections which I could put many photos, I inserts a player of images for reproduce the photos with a predestinated time interval.
Now, I conlude my research work:
I acieved all my objectives but I would have liked to extend it to add more contents and more interaction to the website, but for problems, mainly for time, among other, it has not been possible to do.
Thank you four your attention.
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