Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is not something with you're born, but rather to develop with the experience and education. It is much easier to increase emotional intelligence than IQ or change personality.
The emotional quotient measures your level of emotional ability. It measures your ability to understand your emotions, control your reactions animals, motivate, understand social situations and communicate with others.
My overall emotional quotient is 113. The emotional quotient is divided into different components: Self-awareness, self management, social awareness and relationship management.

Self-awareness is the component that measures the ability of the consciousness of your emotions. I have a level of self-awareness of 114. My conscience is high. Rarely I have negative emotions without realizing them and I know the reasons of my emotions. I am also very aware of my thoughts and how to talk to myself.

Self management
Self-management measures the ability to control the emotions. I have a level of self-management of 123. I am not a slave to my emotions. I can hold my negative emotions. I am also able to actively change their emotions. I can change my emotions changed my mental approach and my physiology.
When I faced with adversity and challenges, I saw a high level of optimism and a confidence in myself.

Social awareness
Social Awareness measures the ability to understand others. My skill level is 91. I have trouble to know what other people are thinking and feeling. Often, I'm not aware of the motivation behind the decisions and actions of others.

Relationship management
Relationship Management measures the ability to express emotions. My skill is 98. I can express my strong emotions, but sometimes, you can restrict the emotional expression. My skills of communication are high. Usually I'm able to adapt the way to communicate properly. Using my skills of communication, usually I able to achieve my goals.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Meriem!! :)
    Well, I think that's true about your personality and you emotions. This test that you did will help you change a lot of things in your life.

    See you..=)
