Are mobile phone produce a risk?

Nowadays, people use mobile phomes without thinking whether these items are good or bod. We could find some positive and negative aspects on the mobile phone.

On the one hand, I wile mention the positive arguments of mobile phone. The being reason why people use the mobile is because the mobile phones have an application that is able to communicate with everyone more easily from anywhere. Another positive aspect is that the mobile phone offers many other applications such as Inernet, GPS, games, music, calendar, photos, videos...

On the other hand I will mention negative arguments of the phones. The first negative aspect of mobile phones is their cost. Another weak point of mobile would be that there are numerous studies that show that the people who are addicted to phones are more likely to get cancer.

Therefore, in my opinion, the mobile phones is good but only if you use this to communicate that is without being addicted to the phone.

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